21: Erika Bozhko - The sanctifying work of motherhood. Learning to slow down and be present in your season.

Hi friends! Spring has arrived in Washington this week. We wait all winter for spring in Washington. New life. New beginnings. And Yes, SUNSHINE. We come back to life… or maybe just me :) Today on the show I chat with my cute friend, Erika Bozhko. I met Erika when we were working on staff at a church together! Erika, just had her first baby 8 weeks ago! She's hilarious and so authentic. You're going to love our conversation. We chat about her unplanned Cesarean birth, life as a new mama, and the importance of community in motherhood. I know you're going to be so encouraged by her words today! 

Song: Not in a Hurry by Will Reagan

If you’re listening today and you’re pregnant I have created something just for you. My husband Jeff & I have created an online childbirth course just for you! I would be honored to be invited into your home to encourage and help you navigate your birth experience.  

Head on over to yourbestbirthcourse.com and enter the promo code: PODCAST at check out for 50$ off of the cost of the course. I can’t wait for you guys to get through this information.

Alright friend. If you’re a fan of the show and you’d like to show your support here’s what you can do:

  • You can SUBSCRIBE in your podcast app :)

  • You can leave a REVIEW on iTunes. These reviews really help others find the show!

  • You can go find me on Instagram @PERFECTLYWONDERFULLYMADE for updates and more goodies from me. 

  • You can always send me an email or message me on social media! I’d love to hear what you’re thinking about the show! alise@alisemarsh.com

  • You can tell your friends about the show! If you’ve been encouraged today, I would love it if  you would share the show with a friend you care about today!

Praying for you! See you next time :) 



20: Katie Cowles - Stronger than she ever knew.

Today on the show my guest is Katie Cowles. Katie found me through instagram about 2 years ago and she hired me to doula for the birth of her baby! I’ve been so blessed to get to know Katie and her family over the last couple years. We recorded this episode back in the fall and I’m so excited to share it with you now! Katie is a NICU nurse, a mama to her son Oliver who is 17 months, and wife to her husband Cameron. She shares her story of having an unmedicated birth in the hospital setting after being induced. Katie shares about what it looked like for her to trust that everything was going to be okay, and believe she could birth her baby. You’re going to love this sweet mama! 

I loved when Katie shared about how giving birth to her son was one of the first times she realized she could be so strong. So much stronger than she ever knew. How true is that in those seasons of our lives when we are pressed and pushed we realize just how much is IN US. Motherhood is like a daily outpouring of ourselves. We give of ourselves. We nurture, we get up, we rise again, but the craziest part about it all, is that as we give the Lord pours back into us. We pour out ourselves and the Lord pours his identity into us. His strength into us. And slowly, ever so slowly we start to look more like him. It’s beautiful and brilliant and hard as hell all at the same time.

Connect with Katie on IG @katieaerial
If you would like to support Sarah Koch and her family, you can find out more my clicking HERE! 


I believe in you and in birth and our innate ability to have babies. I’m here to tell you the truth. To provide you with current, evidenced based information about childbirth, so that you can make the decisions that are best for you and your family and no one else. I believe that when families are informed and educated about their choices surrounding birth, their confidence increases, which provides them the foundation needed for a safe & satisfying birth experience. Remember, mama, you are stronger than you think you are. Everything you’ll need to have this baby, you already possess. You just might have to discover that it’s there. I’m just here to point you in the right direction. Head on over to yourbestbirthcourse.com to enroll and begin your journey! Use the promo code: PODCAST at check out for $50 OFF of your course. 

I would love to get to know you! Find me on IG @perfectlywonderfullymade and Facebook @yourbirthclass. It would mean so much to me if you would share the show with your friends & family. Email me anytime with your comments about the show alise@alisemarsh.com 

19: Nichole Gibbons - Choosing Faith Over Fear

My guest on the show today is Nichole Gibbons. Nichole is a mama to two adorable little boys and married to her husband Jordan. I met Nichole originally in the photography world through my husband and then got to know her better through our church. She’s a portrait photographer and also on staff at Foursquare Church in Puyallup as the Content Director. She’s pretty talented you guys. You’re going to have to go find her on social media. I chat about Nichole’s two birth stories, mom guilt, being called into ministry, and what it looks like for her to spend time with Jesus. 

Connect with Nichole on IG and her website http://www.nicholejordan.com/

My online childbirth course is LIVE!!! You can find my course at yourbestbirthcourse.com Head on over and learn more about how to have the best birth experience possible!

I would love to get to know you! Find me on IG @perfectlywonderfullymade and Facebook @yourbirthclass. It would mean so much to me if you would share the show with your friends & family. Email me anytime with your comments about the show alise@alisemarsh.com 

18: Jenna Urdiales - Braving the messy middle, holding onto hope until you get to joy.

I’m so excited for you guys to meet my friend, Jenna Urdiales today. Jenna & I became friends when we were both on staff at Puyallup Foursquare Church. Jenna is just amazing. There is no one like this woman. She’s hilarious. One of those friends you can cry with, cuss with, and laugh with. She is married to her husband, Phil and they have 2 beautiful little girls they live with in Florida and 1 sweet boy in Heaven. Jenna has a masters degree from SouthEastern University and is the director of Excel Preschool Academy in Florida. I’ll tell you a little secret too, she’s writing a book. And after you listen to our conversation you’re going to want to read it. We chat about grief, braving that messy middle part of your life, and hope in a God will never fail us. It's a good one. 

Jenna's Blog: https://eightsixthirteen.com/
Jenna's Favorite Bath Bombs

Interested in making your own bath bombs? Emma Finley has created a lovely blog post on creating your own bath bombs! You can check it out here.

My online childbirth course is coming to you all soon! We will be ready to launch in just a couple weeks, and my followers will get first access to the course! Head on over to my website alisemarsh.com and check out the promo!  

I would love to get to know you! Find me on IG @perfectlywonderfullymade and Facebook @yourbirthclass. It would mean so much to me if you would share the show with your friends & family. Email me anytime with your comments about the show alise@alisemarsh.com 

17: Erin Tangen - You are enough. Learning to do less, so that God can do more.

Today on the show I chat with my friend Erin Tangen. I met Erin this last fall when we went to Malibu, the Young Life Camp in Canada, for Women’s Weekend. Erin is one of those “fun moms.” You know the kind. The kind of mom that is up for adventure at any time, loves to be creative, and has a passion for learning. She has been married to her husband, Sean, for 22 years. They have 2 kids ages 9 & 11. Erin & her husband have been in full time ministry for 15 years with Young Life. We chat about homeschooling, big moves, having babies, and a life in ministry as a mama.

Erin's favorite book right now: 
Meg Meeker - Strong Mothers, Strong Songs

What I'm reading right now: 
Melanie Dale - It's Not Fair: Learning to Love the Life You Didn't Choose. 


My online childbirth course is coming to you all soon! We will be ready to launch in just a couple months, and my followers will get first access to the course! Head on over to my website alisemarsh.com and check out the promo! 

I would love to get to know you! Find me on IG @perfectlywonderfullymade and Facebook @yourbirthclass. It would mean so much to me if you would share the show with your friends & family. Email me anytime with your comments about the show alise@alisemarsh.com 


16: Shannon Addison - Real life survival mode & the grace that sustains us.

This week on the show I chat with my friend Shannon Addison. Shannon is a mama to three gorgeous little girls. She’s a full time mama, wife, and loves to create beautiful photos in the margins of her life. I met Shannon a few years ago in our MOPS group, and I knew pretty quickly I liked this girl. We record this episode when her newest baby girl was just 4 weeks old. It’s an authentic, real and fun conversation. We talk about postpartum life, finding a relationship with the Lord, miscarriage, and what it feels like to add babies to your family. We talk about real life survival mode, and those things that carry us through. I know all you mamas out there are going to be so encouraged by this authentic conversation. You might even catch a whiff of baby fever if you’re lucky.

My online childbirth course is coming to you all soon! We will be ready to launch in just a couple months, and my followers will get first access to the course! I can't wait for you all to see the course!  

I would love to get to know you! Find me on IG @perfectlywonderfullymade and Facebook @yourbirthclass. It would mean so much to me if you would share the show with your friends & family. Email me anytime with your comments about the show alise@alisemarsh.com 

Resources & links: 

Find a MOPS group near you! 
Shannon on Facebook & IG
Shannon's Photography 

15: 2018 - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I love this time of year. We reflect on the year before us, and dream about what is to come. Yes, you guessed it, I’m one of those “goals” type of people. That person that loves to set goals, achieve, drive, and passionately pursue ideas set deep in my heart. But this New Year feels so different. A year of heartache and challenge has changed me. In a very good. A very rich and real way.

We had a magical white Christmas in Washington. It started snowing on Christmas Eve and continued all night into Christmas morning. The snow was a perfect little Christmas gift. It was almost like the Lord was saying. I see you, Alise. I hear you. I’m here with you. I know these holidays have been joyous and spectacular, and heart breaking at the same time and I want you to know I’ve got good gifts for you. I have GOOD plans and purposes already set in motion for you. I know this year has been hard, and I want you to know I’ve seen it all and I’m here with you. You guys, I was a wreck. I pray I never forget the magic of watching my kids open their gifts this year and playing in the perfect white snow all afternoon. I just want to seal that memory in my brain forever.

I love “calendaring.” Oh you know sitting down with my Emily Ley Simplified Planner and looking at the months ahead, the weeks, the days ahead. I love the potential of what the future holds. The possibilities. The newness of another year. Another month. Another day. This year, the girl who thrives off of “doing,” achieving, and performance wants to learn something new. I love the hustle, I can’t lie. I love the drive. The push for just a little bit more. The rush, feels so good sometimes. But most of the time, while in the moment it can feel good, I find myself so depleted. I recently finished Shauna Niequest’s, book Present Over Perfect and I couldn’t have related to it more. So this year, I don’t have a list of goals or some beautiful bucket list or to do list. While I do love all of those things. I want to create white space. Margin. Room to breathe. Space to hear from my God. I want to say yes to the right things for me. There’s a whole lot out there to say yes to. Lysa Terkerst writes so perfectly about your Best Yes. I want to say no more often, so that I can say Yes to the right things. I’m going to disappoint people this next year. I just am. There’s not really anyway around that. I pray I disappoint those people closest to me as little as possible. My husband, my kids, and my best of friends. I want to get better at being ME this year. At being the woman, wife, mom, and friend God has made me to be. Just me. Simply me. I’m settling in you guys. After 31 years of life, I'm settling into my imperfections and finding confidence in a God who makes me strong. Becoming a mom has made me so much more confident. You realize just how freaking amazing you are mama, right?. I mean come on. We birth children for crying out loud. Anyone who has seen a woman birth a child, knows that is a miracle in itself. Our bodies change and adapt and continue to sustain us even on days we think they might quit. We get puked on and pooped on and peed on all while lovingly nurture tiny humans. We serve and we serve and we give grace to those who come to us asking for it. We try again. We wake up in the morning, when all we want to do sometimes is hide under the covers. We find joy, that can only come from the Lord and we share it with those who enter our home. I mean come on. It’s amazing right? You are a boss, mama. You’re killing it.   

I want to encourage all of you to get quiet, if you haven’t already, and  sit with the Lord. Ask him to give you a word, a sentence, a purpose for this year. For This season ahead, that lies in front of us.

The Lord has always called me to encourage women while sharing the Hope I have in Jesus. That hasn’t changed. I don’t believe it ever will. So, here I am doing the thing I believe God has called me to. I’m certainly learning, and growing, and working hard at it. Thank you for journeying with me. Friends, go find me on Voxer. That may be one of my very favorite ways to communicate with people in my life. There’s just something so powerful about hearing someone’s voice. Their emotion. Their thoughts, their feelings. I think that’s why I’ve loved podcasts so much. If you haven’t noticed yet, I do like to talk. This we cannot deny. So this your invitation, go find me on Voxer. I’d love to get to know you!

Okay let’s talk reading lists. I’ve been listening to more audio books these days, than I have physically reading them in my hands. I want to share with you a few books that I’ve recently finished and want you to read:

Jen Hatmaker – For the Love

Erin Loechner -  Chasing Slow: Courage to Journey Off the Beaten Path

Lysa Terkerust – Best Yes

Shaun Niequist – Present Over Perfect

Henry Cloud & John Townsend – Boundaries

Dr. James Dobson’s – Bringing Up boys & Brining up girls

Selena Frederick’s – Wife in Pursuit

John & Lisa Bevere – The Story of Marriage

Harville Hendrix – Getting the Love you Want

Rising Strong – Brene Brown

On my 2018 reading list:

Max Lucado’s – Anxious for Nothing

Emily Ley’s – A Simplified Life

Nichole Nordeman’s – Slow Down

Jen Hatmaker – Of Mess & Moxie

If there’s something you’ve read that you LOVE tell me, tell me. Send me a message, I’d love to know what you’re reading and what you’re loving. To be really honest, since having kids I kind of thought I was going to have to give up reading. I mean when was I going to find time for that. But, audio books have changed my life!

Many of you know about one of my favorite FREE resources I offer, but for those of you who are new, here for the first time, I’ve created a FREE 6 Day Email Childbirth Course, designed to prepare you for the best birth experience of your life. We will walk through 1 lesson each day for 6 days, getting you the information you need to make the decisions that are best for you & your family. Head on over to my website at alisemarsh.com and sign up for that course today if you’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant. So I’ve got some news, for you all. My very favorite listeners. I’m creating a full, comprehensive online childbirth course. We will cover it all. Everything you need to know. It will be ready for the world in a few months, and I’m just giddy thinking about you all getting access to this resource first! Hang tight, it’s coming! Sweet goodness at your fingertips from the comfort of your own home, for you to playback at anytime. I’ll keep you all updated as the release date gets closer.

Thank you guys for hanging out with me today. I’m praying for you all. I’m praying for each person within the sound of my voice to feel the love of a God who cares so deeply for them. I’m praying you feel refreshed this New Years. That regardless of your circumstance, you can find hope in a God who has never left you and never will. You are incredible. Remember that, and let that soak in the next few days this week.

I would love to get to know you! Find me on IG @perfectlywonderfullymade and Facebook @yourbirthclass. It would mean so much to me if you would share the show with your friends & family. Email me anytime with your comments about the show alise@alisemarsh.com 

Okay, one last thing before I let you go, would you take a few minutes right now, and scroll down in your podcast app and leave me a rating and write me a review if you haven’t yet? It takes just a few minutes and helps the show so much! I would be so thankful for your support. Thanks for listening! Next week, I’ll be back with another awesome mama and a powerful birth story for you. I’ve got some awesome guests in store for you this year. It’s going to be good. Thanks for joining me! Happy New Year!

14: CHRISTMAS Episode!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I’ve got a fun Christmas episode for you today! Monroe came out to record with me and makes a special guest appearance. Christmas and this holiday season through the eyes of a small child is just so magical. My husband, Jeff, and I sit and chat about some of our favorite Christmas memories, traditions, and the things we are most looking forward to teaching our children about this time of year. It's a fun one you guys!   

We know this time of year can be challenging for so many families. We pray you all find peace knowing the God of the universe loves you so deeply, so perfectly, and so unconditionally today and everyday of your life. That the God of the universe sent his beloved son as a baby to earth. All in an elegant and strategic plan to rescue His chosen people, YOU & ME.

Have a very merry Christmas everyone! I’ll be back next week sharing another amazing mama’s story with you all!


If you want to connect with Jeff you can find him on Facebook and Instagram @secretlifeofdad